When the alarm clock beeped, I was already awake. ”What kind of day would this be?” I wondered. The night had resulted in fitful sleep…but enough. Though I felt tired, I was not exhausted. Grateful for the sleep I did get, I arose.
But my usual routine would be interrupted. My laptop refused to connect to the Internet. And I lacked the motivation to go to the gym. “Lord, be in charge of this day. Guide and direct my steps,” I Prayed. Even the typical morning routine acquiesced to Sunday morning church. Sweet Pea overslept and I somehow found myself serving breakfast in bed for the family. Yet even beyond these alterations, this day would be set apart and different. Today, I would be taking a new step of faith. Having endured months of trial and tribulation, a new chapter seemed to be unfolding. One of fresh courage to trust and walk in faith. “Lord, You will need to give me peace,” I silently prayed, “I want to do this, I feel ready to step but I need Your help with the details. Hear my heart oh God.”. As the morning progressed, God worked, answering my heart’s cry. detail after detail unfolded, allowing me to honor my desire to step in faith and trust. Not only did He bless my eyes with bright light but He even solved my greatest concern. A friend approached me at church. She unwittingly shared a solution. This information made the follow through of my faith-walk possible. “Thank You Lord,” I praised. Who else but God to solve my biggest worry? As I sat in church and the message rolled over me, my heart raised in worship. Communion Sunday, I bowed my head in remembrance of what God had done for us. Lord, You suffered more than what I have endured. And as the message unfolded, I was reminded from Psalm 91 how God fulfills His promises while He also covers us with His wings. Our pastor even spoke to the pain we experience through trials. Though pain hurts, we can welcome it because it causes us to draw closer to God and know Him more intimately. Memories of these past months flooded my brain, speaking to my heart. Tears stung my eyes. My head bent low. “Jesus, what I have suffered does not compare to what You did for me,” I prayed, ”May my pain result in Your glory and majesty.” With a full heart, I surrendered the past, present, and future to Him. God continued to pour out His love and peace over me throughout the day. After church, as I walked on the treadmill, intimate time with Him abounded. Just to pray and seek His presence was a gift and blessing. “Do what is best for us, “I prayed, stepping with vigor. Relinquishing control, peace flooded deep. Refreshed and renewed from time in God’s presence, I left the gym with thanksgiving and joy. The sun blazed hot as I walked home. into the pool I jumped. The water felt good against my hot skin while the sun watered the soul of my heart. With the knowledge thunderstorms might arise, I lifted a silent plea. “Just twenty minutes,” I begged. And as friends and I talked and splashed at the pool, laughter and conversation abounded. Crash! Startled, we looked up. A dark cloud hovered. Out of the pool we scrambled. Rain was imminent. To our homes we all headed, hoping to beat the rain. But A surprise awaited me when I entered my home. Sweet Pea who had been droopy earlier, now met me with bounce and cheer. Uncertain as to whether our activity would still proceed due to how she had been feeling, we were now back on for tonight. But it wasn’t until I was changing into dry clothes when I realized God had given me the twenty minutes plus which I had hoped to enjoy in the pool. “God, You are so good. So rich in Your abundance,” I praised. The brightness of the day continued. Playing with my Sweet Pea and teasing my husband pervaded the afternoon. But rolls of thunder continued filling the air, threatening to cancel our evening hopes. “Will we be able to still go?” worried Sweet Pea. “I hope so,” I responded. And it was true. I was eager to try out this new step of faith. Scanning the radar, we spotted the storm cells. My husband stood up and opened the front door. “Look outside,” my husband said to Sweet Pea, “See? Blue sky. There’s just a dark cloud hovering over our house.” In this moment, I knew God was speaking to me through the thunder. Just as God led the Israelites through the wilderness in a cloud by day and filled Solomon’s temple with His presence as a cloud, I knew God inhabited the rain cloud hovering our home with His voice in the thunder. God was with me and over me. He was speaking to me through the thunder. His voice reassured and spoke to my deepest places. Even as I type, I hear His voice through the thunder. A beautiful reminder of His power and absolute majesty. His voice of assurance and love rumbles through the crashes and rolls. His fingertips reach through the splashes of rain. A blessing and benediction of what is to come. God has often spoken to me through the thunder. And to hear His voice blessing a new step of faith towards restoration and healing makes my heart overflow. How kind you are to me God. And as I listened to His voice in the thunder, the day played back in my head. It had been a day of answered prayers. A day of abundance. God, I thank You. I do not deserve Your goodness. Orchestrate all the details and make my path straight. Prepare the way, oh God. Go with me and bless me. Let me hear your voice and know Your Will, Lord. Amen.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024