“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who live on it worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the presence of people. And he deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform…” Revelations 13:11-14, (NASV) A Prayer Over Our Children Spirit of the Living God, when deceivers exert their authority, grant my daughter patient endurance and faithfulness. May she not be deceived by men’s great and miraculous signs but open her eyes with Your truth. Oh Lord, keep her from the mark of blasphemers and protect her, I plead. I pray she will refuse to worship men or idols but stand brave and courageous when death threatens her. Almighty God, be her refuge, her shield, and her All in All. Keep Stepping It has been many weeks since my fingers creatively click-clacked over the keyboard. Like most, crammed schedules, constant running, and daily demands shoved my thoughts and time elsewhere. Relationships and their intricately woven layers spun webs over my emotions. Poking amidst the dirty dishes, unfolded laundry, and strewn toys, distraction and disruption cluttered my days. This past Friday, I sat on my loveseat ready to do battle. A meeting the prior morning had spurned and empowered me. I determined nothing would stop me. Yet, wounds from earlier skirmishes left me vulnerable. My laptop stared at me. Its screen was blank. The keyboard sat on my lap, my fingers ladened with invisible weights. Then came the shove. Figurative as it was, it felt like a literal thrust against my spirit. It held me down. It stomped and crushed. I could not move. I felt paralyzed with inaction. Hopelessness snuffed the fire in my heart. My inward resolve faltered. I wish I could report I persevered through the mire, but I did not. Instead, I welcomed interruptions and pursued my own agendas. The road most traveled appealed with their paths of least resistance. I was glad to lay it down albeit for a time. But our God is faithful and loving. Despite my detour, He gave me rest. Despite my unfaithfulness, He redirected my steps. For nothing goes unused in the battle. The distraction of choice was an audio book, “Piercing the Darkness” by Frank Peretti. One from my youth, its content was still gripping but also relevant. Page after page slipped by in easy measure. It stole my time and attention. Yet it also pricked my conscience. Fictional as the book may be, I came face to face with the very reasons underlying my paralysis. The words and vivid imagery made real the spiritual battle waging war around us.
Then came Sunday School. Meat for the soul and ammunition to fight now girded my loins. A strategy unfolded like a lifeline, firmed beneath the foundation of God’s Word. The recognition of how the choices we make impact our outcome combined with the exhortation to be faithful in our use of each day, once more reignited the spark. Feeding my flame higher came the reminder to not dwell on the dark and depressing but on whatever is good . . . for what we feed upon is what fills our souls. Then, a gentle truth settled around my wounds and bandaged my heart. In a season of complicated relationships, it soothed deep gouges. Conform to the image of Christ. Seek to be like Jesus. To me, its message was simple yet so profound. Don’t let Satan use people, things, or circumstances to distract you from becoming what God has predestined you to be. The veil now ripped from my eyes, I saw how the wounding and sins of others had diverted my focus. Instead of seeking to conform to the image of Christ, my emotions and mind had been preoccupied by the actions of others and the pain it inflicted. I had not realized my shifted focus interfered with my fight for faith and the fulfillment of my calling. For the more we become like Christ, the better we are able to become what God has predestined us to be. As these truths settled within me, a whisper stilled the inner recesses of my mind. Although inspired and fortified by the meat of His Word, my spirit still felt battered and weary. Keep stepping, breathed the still soft voice. Keep stepping, it urged. My kitchen a disaster, the laundry basket overflowing, and nothing prepared for dinner, my weary body arose. I possessed not the mental strength nor the physical energy, but steps towards the kitchen I took. With all the gusto of a limp fish gasping for breath, I slowly unloaded the dishwasher. Equally painful was my labored descent upon the piled dirty dishes. But there in the bits of food encrusted to plates and dirty dish water, I found strength. I found with each step I took, hard as those initial steps grated against the goad, God blessed me. These faltering steps taken in faith and in answer to His calling, was now being fueled by the strength of God, Himself. Somewhere in the middle of clearing the sink and wiping the counter, my gait quickened. Fresh energy flooded my veins while mental clarity sharpened my mind. Even joy filtered through my chest and songs of praise began filling my mouth. Then, as my kitchen now stood clean with me dumping the last bit of trash, I heard the Spirit whisper once more. Sometimes the strength comes in the stepping. And as I settled to write with fingers slowly lifting and mind pushing through the mental wall, I began to understand. For though we may not possess the strength or the will to persevere, God does. And if we acquiesced, we cut God short of showcasing His strength in us. For it is in our weakness when we are made strong. If we never stepped out, how would we experience the power of God carrying us forward? If we never answered the call and had not the faith to move, how could God showcase His strength and might through us? Though we often do not harbor the mental or physical strength in ourselves, let this not prevent us from stepping. For it is when we take steps out of faith when we see God bless us the most. We are frail and weakened vessels. Yet it is not our own strength which we need but the power and strength of God. We may not feel strong, but when we step out in God’s calling, we begin to know the full strength and blessings of God. Friends, allow me to urge you to step and keep stepping. Even when it is difficult and painful, keep stepping. For it is these very steps done not out of ease but in hard fought faith which God delights to bless. Often, when we meet the greatest resistance is when we need to tremble forward the most. And although you may not possess the strength to take those first steps, know it is not up to you to generate the strength. It is God’s. All you need is the faith to take the first step…and then the next…and the next. God will do the rest. He will give you strength in the stepping. Friends, do not miss out on the fullness of God’s blessings for Your lives. Step forward and answer the call. A Parent’s Prayer OH Lord my God, strengthen me in my weakness. Give me firm footing on which to stand. Keep me from all distraction, I pray, and focus my mind upon You. Let not the world or Satan separate me from Your calling in my life, oh God, but grant me the faith to step. Fuel each tremble or falter forward with Your holy fire. Strengthen and firm my every step beneath the power of Your right hand. Oh God, go with me in the face of deterrents, disruptions, and my enemies. Give me strength to step this day, I plead. Amen.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024