She sat on the piano bench, fingers curved and intent on the music. A half-smile curved her lips. I stood by the doorway listening.
“Mommy, come here,” Sweet Pea asked. Her arm extended and beckoned. I obliged. Crossing the forer in a few strides, I stood beside the piano bench. Resting my hands on Sweet Pea’s shoulders, I smiled at the familiar worship song. Small fingers plunked on the old keys. “Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that You’re My God.” The simple melody filled the air and my heart. A slim hand tugged on my clothes, pulling me close. With one arm tucked around my back and one hand pressing the piano keys, Sweet Pea smiled with contentment. I leaned into the warmth of this little body, allowing my spirit to join in the worship. “You’re all together lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful to me…” there we stood, me listening with a song in my heart and Sweet Pea with a song with her fingers. But both joined in the worship of God. Though Sweet Pea did not play perfectly, it did not deter the true intent and spirit of worship. The simple delight of playing music to God was more than enough. The peace and contentment of this moment tied our hearts together. For perfection of music sung or played is not what matters most to God. Rather it is the heart of the worshiper and the sacrifice of their praises. Lift up your voices and sing, dear friends, and fellow parents. Express your joy and love of God with your children. Don’t be afraid to have fun and make a joyful noise to the Lord. And God will delight over you with singing.
After six days of practically no sun, a full day of sunshine splashed in glorious rays. Walks outside, picnic lunches, and playdates were welcomed excursions. It felt good to sweat in the sun. Even cleaning the car seemed appealing.
With the car doors open and nozzle in hand, we vacuumed, wiped, and threw away trash. Then came the fun part. “Sweet Pea!” I called into the house, “would you like to help wash the car?” Without hesitation, Sweet Pea raced to fill the squirt bottles. I ran for the bucket and sponges. A mischievous smile and sparkle lit Sweet Pea’s eyes. I don’t know about your family, but in ours, “washing the car” is synonymous for…water battle! As I scrubbed soap suds onto the car, Sweet Pea volunteered to help. “Here, Mommy,” she said with an angelic look, “let me help you rinse off the bubbles.” In one fell swoop, she dumped an entire bottle of cold water over my head. I screeched. “Did that help?” she asked, innocently. “Oh yes!” I smiled, “thanks for cooling me off.” Then, I squeezed my saturated sponge onto her hair. Sweet Pea squealed. The war was on! Let us just say, the battle was long, drawn out, and fierce. But it was also fun. Truces were declared and truces were broken. All for the love of water and war. By the battles end, we were soaked to the skin, panting, and filled with laughter. “Who won?” asked my little girl, a broad grin stretching over her face. She examined me. “I won,” she announced, “My back is still dry.” I had to agree. Not one dry spot remained on me. But the war wasn’t over. The next day, as Sweet Pea took her evening shower, I filled a pitcher with cold water. “What are you doing?” asked Sweet Pea from behind the shower curtain. Water pelted the shower lining. “Nothing,” I answered, stepping onto the toilet lid. I stretched one arm over the curtain rod and dumped. An ear-splitting shriek permeated the air. But Sweet Pea would not be undone. As I hopped off the commode to flee, Sweet Pea whipped open the curtain. In her hand was a spray bottle. Squirt! Squirt! Streams of water pelted my head and back as I fled. Squirt! Squirt! Spritzes followed me to the doorway until I slammed it shut. Sweet Pea laughed. “Did I get you?” she called. I smiled. “Yes,” I replied, cracking open the door, “you did!” Squirt! The last spray hit me square in the face. Sweet Pea stuck her head around the curtain and beamed. “I love you, Mommy!” she yelled above the pelting shower. “And I love you,” I called…This time from behind the safety of the closed door. As parents, we often engage in the mundane. Whether washing clothes, cleaning the kitchen, or picking up after our kids, parenting is often unglamorous or adventurous. But with a joyful heart as good medicine and with Christ’s help, we can transform the everyday to precious memories. The question remains, are we fully engaging in the present with our children? Or are we constantly looking ahead to the next task or need? Dear friends and fellow parents, I encourage you to take time to play and be present. Engage in each moment and treasure the time we have with our children. Be spontaneous and have fun. We snuggled together on the bed. Me on one outside edge, my husband on the other, and Sweet Pea in the middle. I had just finished talking and Sweet Pea now assumed the baton. Then…
“Achoo!” Sweet Pea’s body shuddered with immense effort. “Achoo!” A sniff this time followed the sneeze, followed by another sniff. I reached for the tissue box on the nightstand. Already balanced sidewise on the mattress’s edge, I leaned back and reached…until in one slow motion, my body passed the point of equilibrium. With arms flailing, I toppled and fell…Right into the trash can! Thump! As I scrambled to my feet, peals of laughter greeted my ears. Sweet Pea wiggled and giggled. Her eyes crinkled. A huge grin split her face. “Are you okay, Mommy?” asked my husband. He struggled to keep a serious expression. “Yes,” I answered sheepishly. Then, He, too, burst into laughter. The two of them laughed until they cried. The bed shook as I stood there watching. But it was infectious. As I grabbed for the elusive tissue, a smile crept over my lips. And I, too, laughed. Shoving the tissue at Sweet Pea, I climbed back onto the mattress. I grinned. “Did I look funny?” Sweet Pea nodded, unable to speak as she giggled. Laughter filled the room. Peace settled deep. We gasped for breath and breathed deep. “Thank you for making me laugh,” Sweet Pea smile at me. She tilted her head up. “And thank You, God, for letting us laugh together as a family.” Every family undergoes trial and hardship. Some seasons are more challenging than others. Yet, in these difficult times, God can meet us where we are. He can bless us with the oil of joy in our mourning and times of despair. He can infiltrate our breaths with hope. And He can meet us where we are at with exactly what we need exactly when we need it most. He is our daily manna and everyday portion. Our family has been undergoing a difficult trial. But despite the dark days, God has met and strengthened me when I did not think I could continue. He has brought the unexpected gift of laughter and joy in the most unexpected times. Like falling out of a bed. Or a husband who falls asleep mid-conversation or sharing special hugs. And running barefoot in the rain with my daughter. God is not only with us, dear parents, but He is for us. His love uplifts us and He will never let us go. Look for opportunities for joy and laughter. Exploit every opportunity for praise and thanksgiving. And share in these precious times together as a family. For joy binds us together and is our strength. Laugh and be blessed this day. There we stood in church. Side by side, Sweet Pea was on my left. Worship flowed over us like rain, bonding our hearts together in the Spirit.
“Jesus, we love You, oh how we love You…” Then Sweet Pea leaned. She snuggled into the crook of my arm. Taller now, Sweet Pea’s head rested on my chest. I pulled her close. With an arm wrapped around her, we swayed as one. As the music flowed over us, Sweet Pea nestled deep. And with the gentle pressure of her head resting against my skin, a wave of emotion rolled over me. My hart swelled. This head which rested so tenderly against my chest, communicated absolute trust and unconditional love. This life which God entrusted to me desired to snuggle close. And to be bound together in a mutual love of Christ as mother and daughter but also as fellow sojourners in the Lord, touched me to the core. To know the love of a child who trusts without question, who accepts unconditionally, and who loves without reservation is a humble privilege we share as parents. And it is God who has entrusted us with this precious gift of parenthood. But before we know it, our children’s childhood will flash by in a blink of an eye. This time when our children lean on us and look to us as guides is a small window. We need to take advantage of each moment. For a time is soon coming when we need to let them go. After all, our children are not ours but God’s. When Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, God did not instruct him to just enter the Promised Land but to possess it. Our responsibility as parents lies here as well. We are not to just skate by and teach our children the bare minimum. God desires us parents to possess the land of parenthood. The Bible even gives us parents specific instructions how to raise our children up in the Lord. We are to teach our children of God’s goodness, talk about Him with our children in the home and as we go about our day, instruct them in the ways of the Lord, and post His Word in our houses. As my daughter and I swayed in cozy communion, my heart raised in thanksgiving. Memories surged. Changing diapers, first steps, the first time she said my name, and precious times of laughter and fun infiltrated my thoughts. Nostalgia mixed with the present, causing my heart to forge towards the future with joy. The song came to an end. But Sweet Pea still remained in the crook of my arm. We stood there, enjoying the warmth of our bodies and the oneness of spirit. Despite all the hardships and trials which our family have struggled through, in this moment, all is well. For children are a gift from the Lord. May each one of you treasure the time we have with our young children. May each one of us take advantage of the present and love much. “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand are pleasures forever more.” Psalm 16:11
It was prayer time and Sweet Pea wiggled with excitement. The next day was early dismissal from school. She was looking forward to an afternoon of fun! Beside her leaned my husband. He grumbled in jealousy. If only he too, could enjoy a half-day of work. Sweet Pea beamed. She delighted in teasing her father. Amused, I listened. “And Lord,” grinned Sweet Pea, “thank you tomorrow I have a half-day of school.” She glanced meaningfully at her dad. Her eyes sparkled and her smile stretched wide. Sweet Pea continued praying. But after a few more items of prayer, she circled back around. “Lord,” she continued, “thank you again for my half-day tomorrow and…” Suddenly, a squeal burst from her lips, interrupting her train of speech. Startled, I glanced over. My husband’s hand rested on her rib cage. And it was squeezing. Or shall I say tickling? After a few more giggles and wiggles, Sweet Pea kept praying. A huge smile split her face. She cast a furtive look at her father. Then, Sweet Pea tried again. “Thank You that I only go to school for a half- “Once more a shriek of laughter split the room. Again, my husband’s hand convulsed. “Daddy,” I remonstrated, “leave her alone.” A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. My own laughter echoed through the room. “What?” He grinned. He was the picture of innocence. “my hand just has muscle spasms.” As to prove a point, his hand spasmed again. Shrieks permeated the air. But Sweet Pea was not finished. Delighted at the game, she once more resumed her prayer. “And Lord,” she laughed, “Thank You I have only a half-day…” My husband’s thumb and fingers squeezed. This little game continued. Silly it may have been, but filling our hearts and spirits with joy, it did. Laughter and giggles filled the air as Sweet Pea writhed away from her tormentor. But a smile of pure glee washed over her. Peace flooded my heart. Joy permeated my soul. And in my heart of hearts, I believe the Father was smiling. For as the three of us snuggled close and shared laughter, the joy of the Lord surrounded our hearts, souls, and mind. For in the presence of God is fullness of joy. And if we surrender ourselves to Him and His ways, we know His pleasures forevermore. May each one of you know the joy of the Lord this day. Look for Him and open your hearts to His great love. And may you know the goodness of our loving God. |
AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024