“May the kindness of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands…” Psalm 90:17, (NASV)
Oh God my God, You, who brought forth the world and turn men back to dust, be my children’s dwelling place. Though Your consuming anger burns with indignation and our years fly by, teach my children how to number their days and to fear You. From this, may they gain a heart of wisdom. Each morning, show them Your compassion and fill them with Your unfailing love. Overflow them with gladness and songs of joy all their days. I plead with You, Lord, bless them with a double portion of Your joy for the number of days they have seen trouble. While to their children, may You show the splendor of Your great deeds. Oh Lord, establish the works of their hands and rest Your favor upon them.
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before You. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! Lord, they walk in the light of Your face.” Psalm 89:14-15, (NASV)
May my children sing of Your love forever, declaring Your faithfulness to all generations. Let them join with the heavens, praising Your wonders and faithfulness. From the stilling of roaring waters to the scattering of enemies, let my children proclaim Your might. IN the same way, from the heavens and the earth You created, may they declare Your faithfulness. Lord God Almighty, display the power and strength of Your right hand in my children’s lives. For Your foundation is founded in righteousness and justice while Your love and faithfulness go before You. Oh God, I pray my children will walk in the Light of Your presence, exalting and rejoicing in Your righteous Name. Bless them, oh God, for You are their glory and strength, sovereign Shield, and their horn of favor. Anoint them with Your sacred oil, I plead, as You sustain and strengthen them. Strike down their enemies and keep them from oppression. Yet surround them with Your faithful love and strength. Be their Father, Rock and Savior, blessing them with an everlasting love and a never failing covenant. May You bless and establish my children with Your faithfulness and love. In the same way, I pray You will not reject or allow Your anger to burn against my children. Rather, may You uphold Your covenant, oh God of Abraham. Protect them from scorn and plunder. Make the edge of their swords strike their enemies. Yet, raise my children up above others while You bless them with long life and prosperity. Oh Most High, do not hide Yourself nor burn with anger but remember them with the love and faithfulness You showered upon David. Oh God, anoint them every step as You deliver them from the mocking taunts of their enemies. May my children bless Your Name forever. “Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried out by day and in the night before You. Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry!” Psalm 88:1-2, (NASV)
Save my children, oh God, for they cry out to You day and night. Turn Your ear and receive their prayers for they are troubled and without strength. Cut them not off from Your care nor overwhelm them with Your wrath but deliver them from the pit and restore them. When grief overwhelms them, let them call out and lift their arms up to You. Each morning let them declare Your faithfulness and wonders. Do not reject or turn away from them, oh God of salvation. But from infancy, bless my children with life, health, joy, and favor as You surround them with companions and loved ones. “Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes will say, “All my springs of joy are in You.” Psalm 87:7, (NASV)
Oh Most High, You who have set the foundations of the holy mountains, reveal to my children the depths of Your great love so they may hear and see Your glorious wonders. Call them to Your side so they will acknowledge You all the days of their lives. IN the same way, I pray You will establish for my children a royal birthright in You through Jesus Christ. IN this, may our hearts be filled with springs of joy. “Teach me Your way, Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your Name.” Psalm 86:11, (NASV)
Hear and answer my children, oh God, for their needs are great and they are poor in spirit. Save their lives, I pray, while You instill trust and devotion to Your ways. When they call for You, have mercy on them. Bless them with joy and lift up their souls to You. Yet, forgive them, oh Lord. IN the same way, bless my children with Your goodness for You abound in love to all those who call upon Your Name. When my children are in trouble, listen to them and show mercy for there is none like You. Reveal to them Your greatness so they may praise Your wonderful deeds. I pray You will teach them Your ways and help them to walk in Your truth with undivided hearts. Likewise, let them give thanks and glorify Your Name for Your love is great. Deliver them from the grave, I plead, for You are compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to my children, oh God, and grant them mercy while You also strengthen and rescue them. Encourage my children, I pray, with signs of Your goodness for You are their Help and Comforter. “Indeed, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its produce. Righteousness will go before Him and will make His footsteps into a way.” Psalm 85:12-13, (NASV)
God of our salvation, show favor and restore fortune upon my children as You forgive and cover their sins. Turn away from Your fierce wrath. May You restore and revive them with Your unfailing love so they will rejoice in You and be granted salvation. Give them ears to hear, oh Lord. Fulfill Your promises of peace while You instill within them awe of You. I pray Your glory will dwell with them, Lord God. Bless them with love and faithfulness with righteousness and peace which overflows with goodness and rich bounty. Oh God, prepare their steps with Your righteousness, going before them and making a way. “Lord of armies! My soul longed and even yearned for the courtyards of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.” Psalm 84:1-2, (NASV)
Lord of armies, let my children dwell in Your house and Your courtyards. Fill them overflowing with songs and praises of joy. For those who reside in Your home are blessed. May their strength be found in You while You place their hearts on the road to Zion, showering them with blessings. Hear and listen to their prayers, God of Jacob, while You look down on their faces. May they spend one day in Your courtyards, standing at Your threshold rather than occupying one thousand days elsewhere or in the tents of the wicked. Be their Sun and Shield, Lord God, giving them grace and glory. Help me to raise my children to walk with integrity for You are the rewarder of good. God of salvation, may my children trust You and be blessed. “God do not remain quiet; do not be silent and, God, do not be still.” Psalm 83:1, (NASV)
Oh God, when enemies rise against my children, do not be silent or still. When the wicked conspire to destroy, cause them to perish and be consumed with fire. Pursue their adversaries with Your tempest, I plead, and terrify them with Your storm. May You shame their enemies, making them perish in disgrace so they know You are Most High over all the earth. “Arise, God, judge the earth! For You possess all the nations.” Psalm 82:8, (NASV)
Reside in my children’s heart, oh God, and judge them accordingly. Defend their causes, protect their rights, and rescue them from the hand of the wicked. When the earth and its foundations shake with men walking about in darkness, rise up, oh God. Arise and judge the nations for they are Your inheritance and You call Your children as sons and daughters of the Most High. “You called in trouble and I rescued you; I answered you in the hiding place of thunder…” Psalm 81:7, (NASV)
Let my children worship You through joyful songs, shouts of praise, and the playing of musical instruments. Remove their burdens from their shoulders, oh God, and set their hands free. When they cry out in distress, answer them out of Your temple. Be their Lord and their God, taking first place in their hearts. Let them heed Your voice with joyful submission to Your ways so You will turn against their enemies and subdue them. Yet with my children, Satisfy them with the finest of grains and sweetest of honey’s. |
AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024