After a string of sweltering weeks, the low eighty-degree weather felt glorious. The sun shone but did not burn. The air warmed our skin without causing sweat to pool.
Cool salt breezes ruffled our hair and kissed our cheeks. It was a beautiful afternoon. “Can we go in the water?” asked Sweet Pea, her eyes eager. The ocean stretched for miles. Sea gulls hovered on the water’s edge. With boats skimming the horizon. Families and little children splashed and played. I grabbed Sweet Pea’s hand, and we ran. White foam swirled around our toes. Slowly, we edged in. We squealed as waves lapped at our feet. “Can we go in deeper?” I hesitated. The water called my name. But alone with Sweet Pea, I wanted to ensure her safety. But the answer was easy. “Just a little deeper.” Sweet Pea whooped. The sand beneath our feet crumbled like fine crushed stone as we surged forward. We aimed to get beyond the breakers where the surf would not be as rough. Crests foamed. Waves crashed. Surf hurled me against the sandy shore, toppling and twisting me. My limbs scraped against the crushed shells and rough sand. Ouch! “Are you okay?” Sweet Pea watched me with a smile. Her eyes twinkled. What fun to watch her mother tumble in the waves. I shook water from my ears and prepared for the next assault. “If I get tossed one more time, we are getting out.” Waves hammering me down was not my idea of fun. Several scrapes now bruised my legs and arms. Sweet Pea nodded. “Let’s get beyond the breakers,” urged my little girl. I agreed. Surely, it would be better beyond the rough surf. But as we pushed through the breakers, something caught my attention. The sand transitioned from grit to a smooth, silky surface. Sharp shells and stones no longer dug at my feet but massaged them with powdery softness. Even the waves were gentle and calm. “Let’s bob!” exclaimed Sweet Pea, squatting to her knees. Dubious, I lowered myself into the waves, girding myself for another hit. But to my surprise, not once did the waves hurl me. Instead, they picked me up and carried me. They surrounded and lifted. There we bobbed, two peas in a pod. Huge smiles etched our faces. And it was good. The Sun shone a benediction over us, filling our hearts with light. White clouds dotted the bright blue horizon. Laughter bubbled and poured out. God was with us. Even as I type this, it strikes me how life often mimics nature. For in life, rough waters toss us. They pound, tearing at our feet. Waves crash, pulling us under. But it is when we persevere through the waves with the strength of Christ Jesus when we are then able to stand. Though the waves still surround us, it is HE who carries us and gives us strength. He is the one who quiets the storms. He is the one who carries us and rocks us in His arms. And before we know it, the stones beneath our feet turn into the smooth and solid foundation of the Rock of Jesus. NO longer do our feet slip and fall for Jesus firms our foothold. HE has set our feet on a Rock and given us a firm place on which to stand. In the valley of shadows, He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters. Just as waves tossed me, with Christ enabling me to persevere and endure, He is with me. He helps me to quieter waters where HE carries me in His arms. Like pushing through the breakers, we sometimes need to push through the storms with Christ carrying and lifting us up. For though the storms of life crash against us, with Christ, we can push through the breakers to the quiet waters and find rest.
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7
Disappointment riddled Sweet Pea. Her dance camp was cancelled. “I was looking forward to it!” she mourned. Her little mouth drooped. I looked down at my little girl. “I’m sorry,” I said, placing a hand on her shoulder, “But we can pray God will provide an even better alternative.” Sweet Pea nodded her head in agreement. But discouraged lines painted her face. At bedtime prayers, Sweet Pea voiced her plea. “…And please God, will You provide a better option than dance camp.” My heart went out to her. The ballet shoes and tights had been purchased the prior day. Even a light blue leotard hung on a hanger in her closet. Its flouncy skirt thrilled my little girl to no end. Her dreams of dancing like a ballerina were crushed. Monday dawned with disappointment. Sweet Pea moped. “Mommy, I wish the dance camp wasn’t cancelled.” Her brown eyes worried. “Do you think God will provide something else?” Her small hand tugged at my own. “I hope so,” I pointed at my husband. His fingers tapped on a keyboard. “Daddy is looking for other camps or classes.” But despite an extensive search, nothing materialized. We muddled through the day, finding things to do. But when Tuesday rolled along, Sweet Pea still voiced her hope. “I don’t know, Sweetheart…” I had looked into pottery painting studios as a potential, even kayaking and paddle boarding. But before exploring this potential, I had a friend to visit in the neighborhood. Two months prior, my paths crossed with a woman at our neighborhood. With a daughter one year older than my own along with the discovery of our shared faith, we had been excited to get to know each other. Our girls enjoyed playing together and shared similar interests. We, moms, likewise did as well. But when Sweet Pea and I arrived, we learned my friend’s daughter was not home as hoped. Instead, she was attending a baking camp. I had looked into the same camp for Sweet Pea. The camp would have been ideal for Sweet Pea and an area of great interest for her, but it had been full with a long wait list. So I had disregarded it from my thoughts…until now. As we left my friend’s house, I pulled out my phone on a whim. “What are you doing, Mommy?” inquired Sweet Pea. Her curious eyes watched me. “It never hurts to ask,” I answered, ascertaining a phone number from the web. Sweet Pea’s eyes widened. “Hello, do you have any last-minute openings for the camp this week?” I was certain of the answer. Afterall, today was day two of the coveted baking camp. The woman paused on the other side of the line. “Actually, yes.” My mouth dropped open. Incredulity intermingled with hope. “Really,” My voice scaled. Sweet Pea tightened her grip on me. She bounced impatiently for the news. “A little girl didn’t feel well yesterday. Her parents hoped she would feel better to attend today,” explained the woman, “but she woke up with a fever. So yes, if you want the spot, it is yours.” “Thank you!” I gushed, “Yes! We’ll have her here tomorrow!” Then a thought flashed. It was not yet eleven o’clock…Could I? I gathered my courage. “Can my daughter attend what is left of today’s class?” Sweet Pea hopped up and down. She could not contain her excitement. Thoughtful silence filled the phone line. I held my breath. How nice it would be for Sweet Pea to join and learn the routine on the second day as opposed to halfway through the week. “She can be dropped off at noon,” came the answer, “then she can finish out the rest of the week.” I thanked the voice on the other line profusely. But one more thing first needed done. “Let me check with my husband. I’ll call you right back.” I hung up and Sweet Pea squealed. A huge smile split her face. She bounced with every step. “Can I go? Can I go? This is so much better than dance camp!” Laughter bubbled from my insides. My own grin stretched wide. “I hope so! Let’s get home to Daddy.” With sweat dripping, we raced home with the exciting news. Sweet Pea burst through the door with me at her heels. Breathless, we shared the news. “Can I go?” Sweet Pea asked, jumping up and down. My husband smiled. “Yes!” Sweet Pea thew up her arms and yelled, “Thank You, God!” She danced around the room. Joy radiated from every pore. My husband and I grinned at each other. We soaked in her exuberance and basked in the delight of God’s goodness. “Praise God,” shouted my little girl. And praise God, indeed! For this had already been a week of seeking, waiting, and inquiring of the Lord. My spirit needed refreshed and encouraged. And to see Him care about a child’s heartfelt plea, filled me with the deep assurance of God’s faithful care. Yet to witness God moving beyond answered prayer to an answer far above what we hoped or imagined, ministered to my parched places. we asked or imagined. Witnessing God and His goodness work In my little girl’s life gave a tangible reminder of God’s faithful care over his precious children. It reminded me of the Hope we have in Jesus Christ. I needed to know He cared. I needed to know we were not forgotten. And to see God care for my sparrow of a little girl confirmed His watched care and love over me. In a season where I’ve needed to cling to Jesus, this answer to prayer testified of His goodness, faithfulness, and love. Its re-infused hope and ministered joy. For God delights in giving good things. But most of all, when we encounter the God of love, we are filled to overflowing. Dear friends and fellow parents, hold tight to the promise that He can do more than what we ask or imagine in His power and strength. Fear not, for God cares for each one far more than the sparrows of the fields. His love for us is higher, deeper, or wider than anything we could imagine. For God is love and He is with you. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to Him and He will keep your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
This has been a season of trust. My faith has been challenged like none other. Yet through the valleys, God has illuminated the darkness. He has showered me with love in ways I have never known. I sat alone in Sunday School. Orchestrating the morning without my husband had been challenging. Yet, how blessed I had been by the body of Christ. A friend picked up Sweet Pea and me while another was poised to drive us home. Still another was at the ready to help me pick Sweet Pea up from Sunday School. Conversations buzzed as I checked phone messages and waited for class to begin. But class was delayed due to a mix-up. Our fearless leader would not be present as initially anticipated. I sighed. How I yearned to hear a message packed with wisdom and meaty application. But as the class continued with announcements and prayer requests, a woman was called up to speak. Asked to give her testimony at the last minute, she stood at the front. As her story unfolded, I listened mesmerized. Her story spoke of her father. She shared how despite a disability, he chose to live a full life. She testified of his impact upon his children, to his diagnosis of a rare brain cancer. What she shared next caught my attention. She told of the supernatural way the Lord interceded and spoke to her need. At a time she needed it most, she heard the silent whisper of the Holy Spirit. Trust, came the whisper over her shoulder, Trust. But what happened next stole my breath. In her locked car, a sign appeared on her driver’s seat. On it was written one word. Trust. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” she shared, her voice thick with emotion. A shiver ran down my spine. Only that morning had my devotional held this same verse with this very message. Lean not on your own understanding but on God. I knew this message of trust was for me. In a season of unchartered territory, I need daily even hourly reminders of this truth. For it is when I lean on my own understanding and try to figure things out in my own strength that I fail. When I try to be in control, I veer off the path. As the day progressed with fun fellowship at our Sunday School pool party, the message of trust continued resonating. Even the evening devotion reinforced how leaning upon on our own understanding often tears us apart from God. But when we trust and submit to Him, we encounter God’s presence. Even as I type this, I need this reminder. God often asks us to obey. Yet if we let our own need for understanding prevent us from following, we miss the blessing. As humans, we often possess a need to understand before acting. If Noah waited to build the ark until God revealed His plan, who knows when the ark would have been built? For God does not owe any of us an explanation. After all, He is God and we are not. We simply need to trust and obey. Trust needs to be built God’s way. Not in our own strength but in God and His ways. For His ways are perfect. His ways are best. The question arises, “Do I trust Him enough to let go control? Do I trust Him to know best? Do I trust Him to redirect my steps if I go the wrong way? If I am honest, I struggle. I want to lean on my own understanding. I want control. With my tainted lenses, it can appear easier and is often more tangible for me to grasp. But this is a lie. It is a deception. For we humans are fallible. Yet if we allow God to guide our steps, our path is made straight because we are led by a perfect, all-knowing, loving God. Here I submit to You, Lord. Help me to trust You. Help my faith grow from that of a mustard seed to one which moves mountains. Help me trust and obey. Make Your voice in my life unmistakable and clear. Oh Lord, I want to know You more. Make me steadfast, oh God. Drive away all fear and doubt with the power of Your Holy Spirit. This day and here forward, make peace, joy, and assurance my inheritance. “Send me Your light and faithful care, let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell. Then, I will go to the altar of the Lord, to God, my joy and delight…” Psalm 43:3-4 (NIV)
My husband and I sat on the couch. Engaged in a deep discussion, we were answerless. “Do you know what I should do?” The question hung between us. “No,” My husband shook his head. A large decision needed to be made. I was clueless. Yet I did not want to move before the Lord nor hang behind. Give wisdom, I prayed. The weekend had been a busy one. Non-stop running and activities filled the day. Fatigue settled deep. Earlier complications also muddied the waters. Arguments bantered back in forth in my mind. The circumstances aren’t ideal, I reasoned. But if I wait for the perfect moment, it may never happen. Torn, I waivered. Early in the morning I had sought the Lord for guidance. A quick thought had surfaced which I pushed aside. If it thunders tonight, it will be a sign. But not wanting to test the Lord or base my decision upon the weather, I had disregarded the thought as quickly as it surfaced. Yet hours later, when rolls of thunder permeated the air, I wondered if God might be speaking to me. But when the clouds cleared and the sun peeked out, I once more shoved the thought away. As the night progressed, indecision tore at me. Please give me unmistakable clarity, I prayed. But even as my husband and I prayed for discernment, no obvious choice presented itself. Frustrated, I flung my hands up. “Well, if it thunders tonight,” I shrugged, half serious yet half joking, “I’ll know what God wants me to do.” But just as these words left my mouth, a soft rumble permeated the air. At first gentle, the roll grew louder and more intense. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the thunder ceased. My heart pounded. I could not believe my ears. Pure incredulity intermingled with overflowing gratitude. God’s voice had answered me in the thunder. And to know He loved me enough to speak in a way which I would clearly understand, overflowed me with awe. Absolute certainty now filled my every pore. “That was clear.” With wide eyes, I looked at my husband. He grinned back at me. “Hello, Gideon,” he quipped. I laughed. Peace flooded my heart. For to know the Will of God brings assurance and rest. But to know the heart of the Father brings thanksgiving and joy. Often, it is in the details, where God’s heart is revealed. And it is also in the workings out of these details where God’s love can shine the brightest. love and compassion stand illuminated through His watched care over us. And for me, His timely voice in the thunder ministered love over me. May God’s love be a rich covering over you this day. May He flood your heart with a confidant assurance of His power and watched care. May He fill you with joy and peace. And may you rest in the knowledge of His goodness. Amen. The day started out a bit rocky. Pride and a know-it-all attitude stood front and center in Sweet Pea. On top of this, a busy day with planned activities stretched before us. From a movie with friends and a playdate at a pool, I eyed the weather report. Thunderstorms and heat advisories threatened to spoil the afternoon. Please push back the thunderstorms, I silently prayed. An afternoon in 100-degree weather would be more enjoyable in the water than staying cramped inside. But I lay all these before the Lord as I pounded the treadmill.
As muscles strained and sweat poured, verses from my morning devotionals popped into my mind. Victory, whispered the Holy Spirit, Victory. A thrill shivered down my spine. Understanding dawned. God was speaking to me through the Scriptures. The victory was already won. All I had to do was believe it. And I did. Amidst my panting breaths and clenched fists, I claimed victory over the day. Strength and confident assurance washed over me, fortifying and Suring my step. So when the battle with Sweet Pea’s attitude flared, I was prepared and ready. And by the time the movie theatre rolled around, my shield of faith raised high. A morning matinee, the movie was fun and delightful. Everyone enjoyed it. Even me. And though my heart swelled with thanksgiving by the movie’s end, weariness snagged a toehold. Yet, armed with the Word of God, I still claimed the victory. As we drove home, wayward thoughts intermingled with my praises. War waged in my mind. But God in His infinite love and kindness interceded. A song came over the radio. At first, I was lost in my mental mire, but the words penetrated the chatter. “Your Name is power, Your name is healing, Your Name is Light…” I froze. My heart stood still as the words washed over me. Only twice had I heard this song, I Speak Jesus. Each time, it’s powerful words and soaring melody penetrated my soul. But today, it held even greater significance. Today, it spoke victory. Today, it loosed freedom. “Break every stronghold, shine in the shadows, burn like a fire…” the song continued. A love so deep washed over me. Tears streaked down my cheeks. Victory blared in triumph through the power, healing, and light proclaimed in this song. And in this moment, God revealed His heart to me. For at a time where I needed Him, God spoke Jesus over me. And all I could do in response was bow low in absolute gratitude and humble thanksgiving. “Shout Jesus from the mountain, Jesus in the street, Jesus in the darkness over every enemy,” continued the song. My heart swelled with emotion. Words caught in my throat as I struggled to sing. But no matter how strangled my choked voice sounded through my tears, I was determined to proclaim God’s triumph. “Jesus for my family, I speak the holy name of Jesus!” I sang with the radio, “Your Name is Power, Your Name is Healing, Your Name is Light.” By the time we pulled into our development, streams of water streaked down my cheeks. And with no tissues at hand, my shirt substituted instead. But though my nose sniffled and ran, The presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me. His love washed over me in waterfalls. For the playing of this song at this exact moment reflected how much God cared for me. The God of this universe knew my struggles in advance and loved me enough to orchestrate the playing of a meaningful song for my encouragement. Awe and thanksgiving spread from the very recesses of my soul. That a God who is so big would love a woman who is so small with her insignificant battles, flooded me with gratitude. Then, to be loved by a love which I do not deserve caused my already full cup to overflow. God’s love is deeper than the ocean and higher than the heavens. His love cannot be quenched. His love is lasting and eternal. And He loves me and you. Dear friends and fellow parents, may you know the deep love of God this day. And may He fill you to overflowing with His Spirit and His presence. Watch "I Speak Jesus" performed by Charity Gale |
AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024