“I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’”
Revelation 21:2-4 (NIV) A Prayer Over Our Children Oh God my God, let my children behold Your holy city, the new Jerusalem. May You wipe each tear from their eyes and may they no longer know death, mourning, crying, or pain. Make them new again and let them drink from the springs of Your living waters. May Your glory, oh God, be their shining light with the Lamb as their lamp. Purify my children, I plead, and write their names in Your book of Life. More Than Enough Snappy words. Frayed edges and tested patience. Exhaustion hovered thick. A long day. A rushed and busy one. The unpopular dinner choice did not help matters. Nor did the bare pantry. Like a bear searching for food, I foraged for the next day’s lunch. Not much met my fingertips. A can of tuna, an old jar of peanut butter, and a bag of chocolate chips met my exploration. Other dried goods stood at attention, inspiring little excitement. Even Sweet Pea struggled. Her typical smile drooped. Tears brimmed. She wanted to be done with her homework. She, like all of us, wanted this day to be over. Bedtime rapidly approached. Still more homework. Still no shower. With every passing minute, Sweet Pea despaired of whether time remained for devotions and bedtime story. Though bodies dragged, time elapsed, and weariness cluttered our minds, an emerging thought quickened. A mom who regiments schedules and timeframes, I threw caution to the wind. “How about we all snuggle?” I proposed. All I wanted to do was fast-forward the evening to a close. But the thought of crowding on my daughter’s bed around the Bible with a bedtime story appealed to my frazzled edges. Something about the stillness. Something about the peaceful quiet away from the day’s chaos. Something about the togetherness in God’s Word. Sweet Pea brightened. New energy infused her little body. Homework finished, crayons put away, and shower now completed, we gathered for Operation Snuggle. There we crowded, all three crammed onto Sweet Pea’s bed. Her Bible lay between us with a storybook beside it. …but the Word of the Lord stands forever,” my husband finished reading. Word after word of God had washed over us, breaking the heavy weariness. Peace settled deep. Restfulness of mind and spirit restored. “Skip the story tonight,” I suggested, aware of the late hour. Disappointed, Sweet Pea rallied. “A short story, please?” she begged. Her eyes pleaded. Hope lit her countenance. I waivered. “Okay,” I yielded, “A short one.” The book on the bed was filled with Bible stories. I flipped open the book to a random page and pointed. “Elijah and the widow of Zarephath.” Sweet Pea read. Then, she smiled at the story’s title. “More Than Enough.” These three words pierced me. They resonated and shook. As my husband read aloud, the Holy Spirit rolled over me. During a day where I constantly grasped at straws, this simple reminder of God’s faithfulness ministered to my most deep places. If God never allowed the widow’s flour or oil to run dry, and if He gave the spirit of life back to the widow’s son, then God is more than enough for me. He is more than enough to help my family and I make it through the day. He is more than enough to help with my patience. He is more than enough to provide. He can help me transform our remaining pantry items into tomorrow’s lunch. God is more than enough. These simple yet profound truths girded my weary feet with the holy armor of peace. Fresh breath filled my lungs. The spirit of heaviness lifted to one of praise. For no matter our circumstances or challenges, I will be content. Because God is more than enough. He is always enough. For He is Jehovah Jireh. He is good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnnFeMqwnZc Jireh (feat. Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine & Mav City Gospel Choir) - YouTube A Parent’s Prayer Lord, be more than enough for me this day. Help me be content in every circumstance. For You have chosen me and know me by name. Thank You for always being with me and for always being more than enough. Amen.
Rejection. Kind words graced the page. Encouragement and valuable feedback offered. Even the warmth of Christ spirited the exchange. Nevertheless, it was rejection just the same.
Moments earlier, I opened an email with heart pounding. Fingers trembled. Hope flared. Then, like a balloon released of air, I deflated. I had just received a rejection letter. Though Discouraged but not disheartened, it gave me pause. What are you doing? Echoed the question. Why are you doing this? Answers argued through my mind. Not the pep-talk ones but the prosecuting kind which poke holes and create misgivings. From the paper-shortage to the more expensive nature of publishing children’s books to my lack of platform and weariness of rejection, all logic pointed in one direction…Throw in the towel. What does it matter? I wondered. What difference does it make? Doubts assailed. Purpose re-examined. And abandonment of ship contemplated. I even started calculating the hours I would save each day if I stopped writing. But a still, small voice firmed the void. It is a humble privilege to be a mouthpiece, whispered the Holy Spirit to me. Though quiet, the unexpected answer screeched me to a halt. All vestiges of self fled. Only a humbled, contrite heart remained. For it is not about us. It is not about paper shortages, lack of inroads, or platform. It is not even about our persuasive words of wisdom. But it is about God’s spirit ant power. It is about our willingness and obedience to be used by God in spite of our weakness, fear, and trembling. It is surrendering self and putting on Christ. It is not about what we bring but rather what we are willing to lay down. And as I sat with these truths ringing in my ears, I bowed my head in humble submission. It is enough, I whispered. It is enough. And in this moment, fresh purpose arose. Just to have this humble privilege of serving as one of God’s many instruments, is enough for me. It is enough for me to keep writing. Each one of us possesses a unique sphere of influence. Whether this is our families, neighborhood, or workplace, God can use us to impact lives for His Kingdom. All we need to be is willing and obedient. For it is not our job to persuade. Rather, we leave this to the spirit and power of God. All we need to be is faithful. “Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgement was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the Word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”
Revelation 20:4 A Prayer Over Our Children In the face of death, give my children strength to remain faithful to You, bearing testimony of Your Name and Your Word. Make them Your royal priesthood so they may reign beside You. When war breaks out against You and they are surrounded, rescue them by Your holy fire of heaven, casting Satan down. Write my children’s names in Your Book of Life, oh God. Judge them according to what they have done so they may remain in Your presence forever. Storms The perfect beach day. Clear, blue skies. Bright sunshine. Warm sand and cool ocean breezes. Best of all…the water. White water foam and salt spray mists. Rolling and rocking, waves lifted and bobbed. And the icing on top…the sounds…waves crashing, sea gulls calling, and ocean breezes murmuring. At our favorite beach, feet, shells, and fish lay obscured by sand infused waters. So much sand laces the waves that Even the third or fourth shower rinse cannot persuade all the sand to relinquish its hold. But not this morning. “I can see my toes!” exclaimed my husband in amazement. In the five years we frequented this beach, never a foot lest a toe could be spied in the murky sea. “The water is clear!” He marveled. Suddenly, a beautiful day at the beach transformed into surreal serenity. All day, my husband and little girl gloried in the transparent ocean waters. Unveiled scuttling crabs on the ocean floor with swarming minnows delighted their sight. Large, lazy fish rested against the watery depths. Even submerged seashells with their muted colors were now visible. To see with such clarity what had been once shrouded now brought awe and joy. For God’s hidden glory revealed in creation with such timely perfection stirred us to humble appreciation. “Why is it so clear?” I asked, heart soaring with each jostling wave. My body rocked forward and back with the flow of the tide. “The storm,” answered my husband. “It cleaned the ocean of sand and debris.” As I bobbed in the waves, a startling truth emerged. Though storms batter and assault, like hurricanes cleansing the ocean waters, God can use our own personal storms to cleanse us of sin and refine us. Like hurricanes which crash with ferocity, so the storms of our own lives likewise beat us down. Yet, after the crushing winds, the debris settles and stillness emerges. Left behind are hearts stripped bare and a humbling of the soul with all vestiges of self washed away. This can be a painful place. But it is one which can also be one of great depth and beauty. For in the quiet, we see with greater clarity. The waves no longer crash and obscure our sight. With transparent detail, our eyes can focus upon Jesus. Here, with souls purified and cleansed from the wreckages of the storms, we lay exposed and unadorned. But in our vulnerability, God’s love can wash us and minister to our deepest, darkest places. Storms destroy and tear down. But they can also be used to uproot strongholds and shatter shackles. God can use these assailing winds to purify and make us new. Dear Friends, may the storms of this life not destroy us but be used to unveil Christ in deep, new powerful ways. May God’s refining light transform us into new creations in Christ. And may God’s love wash over us with restoration and healing. This day, may we cling to Christ as our Shelter, Refuge, and Rock. A Parent’s Prayer Lord, open the eyes of my heart. I want to see You. Keep the storms of this life from distracting me. Rip all obscurities away. Instead, fix my focus upon You. Cleanse and purify me, oh God, and grant me peace. Though winds may assail, I pray You will keep me still before You with newfound clarity and strength. Amen. |
AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024