Sweet Pea, my husband, and I curled together at the end of the night. The day had been long. Yet God had been faithful. He blessed each of us with enough strength and energy to finish the day. Now, my most favorite time of the day was about to unfold. Devotions and story time.
My husband and Sweet Pea sat on the bed while I reclined on the floor. With the pages of the Bible open, we flipped to passages of Scripture. After a long day, these Words of Truth ministered peace to my heart. To feed in God’s Word together with family members is a time I cherish. But of recent, of equal enjoyment is the new time of reading stories after devotions. A captivating chapter book for children, adults and child alike anxiously await to discover what happens next. For the past two weeks, we have without fail, read a chapter a night. Tonight was no different. Eagerly, Sweet Pea and I listened to my husband begin the nightly reading. His legs and feet rested on the edge of the mattress as he read. Sweet Pea loomed bracelets while I stretched my legs on the floor. Straining to touch my toes, my fingers extended out. Leaning forward, I flattened my back and bent my head. TO my surprise, a stinky scent whiffed up my nostrils. What is that? I wondered, wrinkling my nose. With head still bowed and legs straight, I continued inching downward. My muscles strained. Then, the edge of my nose brushed something…The foul smell increased. Before I knew it, my nostril enclosed over a foreign object. What in the world? And what is that awful smell? Realization struck. A lightbulb flashed. My nostril had descended upon one of my husband’s bare toes. Shocked, my head froze. Reality kicked in and I jerked upright. My husband spasmed with laughter as did I. “What? What?” demanded Sweet Pea, “What is going on?” A huge grin spread over her face. She did not want to be left out of the hilarity. Though she did not know the cause, she was ready to join in the fun. “Mommy just picked her nose with my toe,” my husband teased, a twinkle in his eyes. “Eew!” shrieked my little girl, convulsing with giggles. The three of us collapsed into laughter. “You’re father’s….feet…stink!” I gasped out, tears running down my cheeks. For the rest of the evening, giggles and fun lightened our hearts and lifted our weariness. Even as we prayed, teasing and laughter pervaded our fellowship with God and each other. For the joy of the Lord is our strength. And He pours out the oil of joy over us that we may be raised up and delight in Him. Friends and fellow parents, I pray you will know joy this day. May you look for opportunities to laugh and rejoice in your everyday circumstances. Take advantage of each moment of fun, especially with your family and children. May praise and joy inhabit your home and heart. Amen.
It was one of those mornings. Out of order and without routine. Different activities filled the day. Good things…but different. Sweet Pea made breakfast. A real treat. But my stomach was kept waiting for over an hour. I did my best to keep my hangriness in check. Even my typical workout routine altered to fit the family schedule. Adding to the mix was the interesting hue in which my eyes interacted with the world.
Help my attitude, Lord, I prayed, as I washed breakfast dishes. After all, there was much for me in which to give thanks. Just the fact I could care for my little girl and allow my husband to sleep in, was a victory. Determined to give thanks, I squared my shoulders and put on a smile. But as the morning progressed, I still felt restless. Hopeful for a fun family activity, I quizzed my husband and daughter as to what we wanted to do. But nothing of excitement or interest presented itself. Eager to get out of the house, I felt disappointed. Once more, I needed to readjust my attitude. Then my husband cleared his throat. “Umm,” he hesitated, “You know your shorts are on inside out…” Surprised, I reached back to touch my waistband. Sure enough, the tag was prominently displayed on the back outer part of my shorts. “Great,” I mumbled. I ran to the bathroom. Turning them inside out, I tried again. Then back to my puttering I resumed. This time, I grabbed the laptop, hopeful to write in the cool morning air. But as I passed my husband, he made another observation. “Now, they are on backwards.” I stopped in my tracks. “What?!” My hand snaked once more to the back of my waistband. Sure enough, the drawstrings of my shorts hung like a tail. With an upside-down morning, there was only one thing I could do. Laugh. And laugh I did. “What’s so funny?” demanded Sweet Pea who was practicing the piano. “My shorts,” I giggled, swishing my backend in her direction. Shrieks and giggles of laughter filled the room where dull and flatness had resided. Sweet Pea sprang from her piano bench to chase me. Reaching for my drawstrings, she tried to lasso me. It soon became a game. I, the horse and she the, the rider. “Enough,” I protested, whipping my strings away from Sweet Pea. “We’ve got to get going.” So again, I hustled to the bathroom to correct my shorts. With a grateful heart, my mood lightened. In fact, the entire family’s mood lifted. But the mishaps were not finished. In the afternoon, Sweet Pea and I popped by the pool. It was one of the last days it would be open for the season. Desiring to say goodbye, Sweet Pea and I hurried through our lunch so we could get to the pool. I threw together a kale salad and a wrap before tearing out the door. Families crowded the pool with children splashing and playing. Sweet Pea and I dove in. The water refreshed our bodies as we bobbed and dipped. Sweet Pea grabbed for my shoulders and hung on. But then she stared at me. “Mommy,” she whispered, her eyes round, “there’s something green in your teeth.” I stared at her, unsure if I heard correctly. “Mommy,” she repeated, this time more urgent, “there’s a second green spot.” “What?!” I finally mustered. Green? My teeth? Then, the thunderbolt hit. And for the second time that day, I burst with laughter. “It’s kale!” I snorted, giggles convulsing my stomach, “I must have kale caught in my teeth.” Sweet Pea shrieked with laughter. The two of us giggled as Sweet Pea attempted to direct the surgical removal of the leafy vegetable. When we finally succeeded, Sweet Pea stared once more at me. Her eyes widened and twinkled. Laughter bubbled out of her. “Mommy,” she whispered again, pulling me close, “You have a…” Giggles convulsed through her. “A what?” I demanded, curiosity peeking. Sweet Pea’s cheeks puffed with hilarity, her eyes crinkling at the corners. This time, she leaned in and whispered in my ear. My hands flew to cover my nose. “Which one?” I whispered back, “the right or the left?” Sweet Pea pointed, still giggling. I rubbed my left nostril. “Is it gone?” I asked. Sweet Pea’s eyes sparkled as she scrutinized me. Once more she threw back her head in laughter. No,” she giggled. Finally, after several failed attempts, my nostril airways were clear. But the laughter and fun we shared bonded our hearts together in joy. Hours later, as we gathered for evening prayers, my heart welled with thanksgiving. God, You are so good. My Heavenly Father had been so faithful to hear and answer my prayers. How humbled I was that the God of this universe would care to answer my pleas. I marveled how the Holy Spirit truly comes to our aid when we seek and ask. And the more I thanked God, the deeper His love ministered over me. For God turns our mourning into dancing and the spirit of despair into the oil of joy. When we experience frustration and discouragement, we need to first seek God’s help. SO many times we forget how we can call upon our God to intercede. He is ready and waiting for us to come. Best of all, our God is able. He is so able. Able to be our portion and strength. Able to bring peace and minister joy. Able to intercede with power and might. Dear friends and fellow parents, call upon the God who saves. HE is our Deliverer and Fortress. He is our ever-present Help in our times of need. He is our strength when we are weak. HE is our cup and our portion. Take refuge in the God of Hope and call upon His holy Name. |
AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024