The day dawned early and the evening fell late. It was just Sweet Pea and me. My poor husband would be absent for the entire day, unable to return home until late. Lord, help orchestrate this day, I prayed, help me through this day with peace and provision. Guide and order my steps.
With the early morning sun on our cheeks, we waved good-bye to my husband. God in His goodness answered my prayers. He filled the day with fun and uplifting activities with other fellow believers. A pool playdate and ice-cream outing filled our afternoon while swim practice inhabited the evening. Even evening devotions with a dear friend rounded out the night. “I miss Daddy,” Sweet Pea said in wistful tones. “Me, too,” I agreed. Our sunny and humorous figurehead was an integral part of our family. His absence, especially at night left a hole in our hearts. I racked my brain to think of ways to lighten our spirits. As I tucked Sweet Pea into bed, an idea flashed. “Let’s play popcorn praise,” I announced as I snuggled beside my little girl. Sweet Pea brightened. Popcorn praise was a favorite activity. We would go round and round listing all the praises to God we could recount. So back and forth we went populating the night air with our praises. “That was nice,” Sweet Pea said. She rested her arm against my side. “But how about we play, ‘I Am’?” I checked the time. It was already past Sweet Pea’s bedtime. But her request enticed me. A game where we tried remembering all the “I Am’s” in the Bible, the thought of ending the night focusing on the character of God was appealing. “Let’s do it,” I decided. “I am the Bread of Life,” I began. My fingers wiggled beneath Sweet Pea’s armpits. She squealed. “I am who I say I am,” giggled Sweet Pea. She nudged my side with her toe. I batted it away. “I am the Resurrection,” I laughed, nudging her foot. “I am the Way, the truth, and the Light,” continued Sweet Pea. Back and forth we went, thinking hard. Then, creativity kicked in. “I am your Defender,” I said, pulling from the Psalms. I gave her a sidewise glance. Sweet Pea tilted her head at me and smiled. “I am your Provider,” countered Sweet Pea. She wiggled with delight. “I am your All in All,” I laughed, referencing an old praise and worship song. Sweet Pea did not miss a beat. “I am the Lamb of God.” She shot back, a twinkle in her eye. Five minutes later, I waved the white flag of surrender. “You win. I can’t think of anymore!” Sweet Pea crowed in victory. She beamed. “I love you, Sweet Pea,” I smoothed back her hair and gave a kiss. “Sweet dreams.” But Sweet Pea remained thoughtful as I exited her room. Walking down the hallway, she called after me. “Mommy, I thought of more!” “Oh?” I asked, surprised. For me, the game had ended. But it still captivated Sweet Pea. “Yes,” she said with excitement. “I am the Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, and Light in the darkness.” A huge smile spread over my heart and face. To hear Sweet Pea applying the ‘I Am’ game to contemporary praise and worship songs, filled my heart with joy. To me, this reflected how she saw God and her understanding of Him. “That’s great!” I enthused. At the end of a long evening, my heart thanked God for the timely reminder of His power and provision. Oh Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness today. “Now, good-night,” I gently reminded Sweet Pea. Yet, even as I made my way to the kitchen to clean our dinner dishes, once more I heard my daughter’s excited voice. “I am the Lion of Judah!” she said with triumph, “I am the God of Jacob.” On and on she went, filling the air with reminders of who God is. Though Sweet Pea was not settling to sleep, her observations were a welcome light in a tiring day. For what I discovered is that these statements of God’s character strengthened and renewed my mental and physical energy. It focused me on God and reminded me of who He is, what He has done, and what He is doing. Dear friends and fellow parents, take time today to dwell upon the awesome character of God. As we focus our thoughts upon Him, God will firm our steps and give us a solid Rock on which to stand. Just knowing God’s nature brings us peace. It fills us with an unshakeable assurance that God is who He says He is and that He is a Keeper of promises. His past faithfulness leaps to life in our hearts as we recount what He has done for His people and for us. Set your mind on God this day and be grounded in the Great I Am.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024