After a string of sweltering weeks, the low eighty-degree weather felt glorious. The sun shone but did not burn. The air warmed our skin without causing sweat to pool.
Cool salt breezes ruffled our hair and kissed our cheeks. It was a beautiful afternoon. “Can we go in the water?” asked Sweet Pea, her eyes eager. The ocean stretched for miles. Sea gulls hovered on the water’s edge. With boats skimming the horizon. Families and little children splashed and played. I grabbed Sweet Pea’s hand, and we ran. White foam swirled around our toes. Slowly, we edged in. We squealed as waves lapped at our feet. “Can we go in deeper?” I hesitated. The water called my name. But alone with Sweet Pea, I wanted to ensure her safety. But the answer was easy. “Just a little deeper.” Sweet Pea whooped. The sand beneath our feet crumbled like fine crushed stone as we surged forward. We aimed to get beyond the breakers where the surf would not be as rough. Crests foamed. Waves crashed. Surf hurled me against the sandy shore, toppling and twisting me. My limbs scraped against the crushed shells and rough sand. Ouch! “Are you okay?” Sweet Pea watched me with a smile. Her eyes twinkled. What fun to watch her mother tumble in the waves. I shook water from my ears and prepared for the next assault. “If I get tossed one more time, we are getting out.” Waves hammering me down was not my idea of fun. Several scrapes now bruised my legs and arms. Sweet Pea nodded. “Let’s get beyond the breakers,” urged my little girl. I agreed. Surely, it would be better beyond the rough surf. But as we pushed through the breakers, something caught my attention. The sand transitioned from grit to a smooth, silky surface. Sharp shells and stones no longer dug at my feet but massaged them with powdery softness. Even the waves were gentle and calm. “Let’s bob!” exclaimed Sweet Pea, squatting to her knees. Dubious, I lowered myself into the waves, girding myself for another hit. But to my surprise, not once did the waves hurl me. Instead, they picked me up and carried me. They surrounded and lifted. There we bobbed, two peas in a pod. Huge smiles etched our faces. And it was good. The Sun shone a benediction over us, filling our hearts with light. White clouds dotted the bright blue horizon. Laughter bubbled and poured out. God was with us. Even as I type this, it strikes me how life often mimics nature. For in life, rough waters toss us. They pound, tearing at our feet. Waves crash, pulling us under. But it is when we persevere through the waves with the strength of Christ Jesus when we are then able to stand. Though the waves still surround us, it is HE who carries us and gives us strength. He is the one who quiets the storms. He is the one who carries us and rocks us in His arms. And before we know it, the stones beneath our feet turn into the smooth and solid foundation of the Rock of Jesus. NO longer do our feet slip and fall for Jesus firms our foothold. HE has set our feet on a Rock and given us a firm place on which to stand. In the valley of shadows, He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters. Just as waves tossed me, with Christ enabling me to persevere and endure, He is with me. He helps me to quieter waters where HE carries me in His arms. Like pushing through the breakers, we sometimes need to push through the storms with Christ carrying and lifting us up. For though the storms of life crash against us, with Christ, we can push through the breakers to the quiet waters and find rest.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024