The day started out a bit rocky. Pride and a know-it-all attitude stood front and center in Sweet Pea. On top of this, a busy day with planned activities stretched before us. From a movie with friends and a playdate at a pool, I eyed the weather report. Thunderstorms and heat advisories threatened to spoil the afternoon. Please push back the thunderstorms, I silently prayed. An afternoon in 100-degree weather would be more enjoyable in the water than staying cramped inside. But I lay all these before the Lord as I pounded the treadmill.
As muscles strained and sweat poured, verses from my morning devotionals popped into my mind. Victory, whispered the Holy Spirit, Victory. A thrill shivered down my spine. Understanding dawned. God was speaking to me through the Scriptures. The victory was already won. All I had to do was believe it. And I did. Amidst my panting breaths and clenched fists, I claimed victory over the day. Strength and confident assurance washed over me, fortifying and Suring my step. So when the battle with Sweet Pea’s attitude flared, I was prepared and ready. And by the time the movie theatre rolled around, my shield of faith raised high. A morning matinee, the movie was fun and delightful. Everyone enjoyed it. Even me. And though my heart swelled with thanksgiving by the movie’s end, weariness snagged a toehold. Yet, armed with the Word of God, I still claimed the victory. As we drove home, wayward thoughts intermingled with my praises. War waged in my mind. But God in His infinite love and kindness interceded. A song came over the radio. At first, I was lost in my mental mire, but the words penetrated the chatter. “Your Name is power, Your name is healing, Your Name is Light…” I froze. My heart stood still as the words washed over me. Only twice had I heard this song, I Speak Jesus. Each time, it’s powerful words and soaring melody penetrated my soul. But today, it held even greater significance. Today, it spoke victory. Today, it loosed freedom. “Break every stronghold, shine in the shadows, burn like a fire…” the song continued. A love so deep washed over me. Tears streaked down my cheeks. Victory blared in triumph through the power, healing, and light proclaimed in this song. And in this moment, God revealed His heart to me. For at a time where I needed Him, God spoke Jesus over me. And all I could do in response was bow low in absolute gratitude and humble thanksgiving. “Shout Jesus from the mountain, Jesus in the street, Jesus in the darkness over every enemy,” continued the song. My heart swelled with emotion. Words caught in my throat as I struggled to sing. But no matter how strangled my choked voice sounded through my tears, I was determined to proclaim God’s triumph. “Jesus for my family, I speak the holy name of Jesus!” I sang with the radio, “Your Name is Power, Your Name is Healing, Your Name is Light.” By the time we pulled into our development, streams of water streaked down my cheeks. And with no tissues at hand, my shirt substituted instead. But though my nose sniffled and ran, The presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me. His love washed over me in waterfalls. For the playing of this song at this exact moment reflected how much God cared for me. The God of this universe knew my struggles in advance and loved me enough to orchestrate the playing of a meaningful song for my encouragement. Awe and thanksgiving spread from the very recesses of my soul. That a God who is so big would love a woman who is so small with her insignificant battles, flooded me with gratitude. Then, to be loved by a love which I do not deserve caused my already full cup to overflow. God’s love is deeper than the ocean and higher than the heavens. His love cannot be quenched. His love is lasting and eternal. And He loves me and you. Dear friends and fellow parents, may you know the deep love of God this day. And may He fill you to overflowing with His Spirit and His presence. Watch "I Speak Jesus" performed by Charity Gale
1 Comment
10/21/2022 01:33:04
Beautiful Mrs whether. Rather expert past. Morning bank wait trip public.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
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