“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10, NIV Prayer Over Our ChildrenGrow my daughter in maturity with Your Word beyond just elementary understandings and fill her with light so that she may share in the Holy Spirit, taste in Your heavenly gift, know the goodness of Your Word, and the powers of the coming age. Let her never fall away from You, oh God, and always lead her back to repentance. ... Make her a helper to Your people with all diligence, oh god, ensuring that she takes hold of a sure Hope in You. Help her work hard and not grow lazy but instead imitate those, who through faith and patience have become heirs of Your promises. Encourage her in Your Hope that intercedes on our behalf and anchors our soul firmly and securely in You. Father God do not forget her but remember all the work and love she has shown You. This morning I sat ruminating. My thoughts enveloped my heart’s desire which I so wanted to achieve. We all have those dreams which call us and keep us walking forward in hot pursuit. My struggle is often with keeping my hands open to letting go and not allowing the pursuit of the dream consume me. This tension of full surrender yet God given desire pull at me and cause me to wonder if I am hearing His still, small voice, or if it is my own which calls me. So, this morning, with hopes and plans juggling for attention in my head, I readied breakfast for Sweet pea. This entire week, I had worked hard to complete steps towards dream fulfillment and I stood there at the kitchen counter with the organic blueberry bagel, wondering if I was just a crazy woman to hope that God might open doors and make a way for me. What chance do you even have? Whispered a taunting voice, what makes you think you even have a shot? There’s nothing special about you that will make anyone stop and take notice. My heart sank, and my spirits fell. So, wrapped up with these denigrating thoughts, that I was completely oblivious to what Sweet one was saying at the breakfast table as she munched her bagel. “Our…” she said with a sparkle and a smile. Hmm, what am I even doing? I questioned myself as I carefully removed my bagel from the toaster oven. “God,” continued Little one with a bounce in her chair. Am I crazy? My thoughts wondered as I scraped my spread on the toasty brown bagel insides. Am I wasting my time? “…is…” she grinned up at me as I headed over to sit at the breakfast table. There are so many things I physically can’t do because of my blindness that I need to do to even hope for a chance, I inwardly sighed, pulling out the chair and placing down my plate. Sweet pea’s eyes danced, and her hands reached out as wide as they could stretch. “…so BIG and so MIGHTY!” she enthused with a wide mouthed smile. Her increased volume finally caught my attention and jerked me out of my whirling thoughts. “Huh? What was that?” I turned my face to look her direction and placed down my bagel. “What did you say?” Sweet pea grinned at me with bright eyes and pointed at me. "There’s nothing our God cannot do!” She beamed. I stared at her dumbfounded, not believing my ears. “The mountains are His,” she singsonged, “the rivers are His, the stars are His handiwork too,” she continued. In a brilliant flash of light, I felt the Lord poke me and whisper, did you hear what your daughter said? There is nothing that I can’t do. Then the full weight of her words sank into my starving spirit as its truth washed over me in humble acknowledgement. For yes, the God who can move the very mountains the God who placed all the stars in the sky is big and mighty enough to bring my dreams to fruition should that be His Will. I was humbled to be reminded by the words of a children’s song from my daughter’s mouth, that God is big enough to do anything and is strong enough to move the biggest of obstacles which stand in our way. That He is mighty enough to move all things into accord for His Will to be accomplished. To be reminded to trust. Trust not in my own efforts but in the might and strength of the Lord God Almighty who has created the heavens and the earth. Trust, that in His timing, He will make all things come together. Trust in His sovereignty and goodness and not in my small, earthly efforts. And that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that our God cannot do for those that He loves. Take heart, my child, came His still, soft voice, for what can stand in your way if I am for you? Trust me, that I know what is good and right for you. “Oh sweetheart!” I cried, reaching out my arms to hug her, “you are so right! Thank you for reminding Mommy that God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! That there is nothing our God cannot do.” I hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. If you experience moments of doubts, uncertainties, or ever lack confidence in yourself like me, then I pray the words of the simple children’s song that Sweet pea sang will encourage and speak to your soul. We all need to be reminded of the vastness and strength of God’s mighty power – especially when we parent often feel so helpless or hopeless to exact any change in our own lives, nonetheless, our children or family’s lives. Some days, all we can do is cry out to Jesus and plead that He will have heard our broken cries. Some days we do not even have the strength to gasp or utter a groan. Instead, the swirling, pecking, clawing darkness threatens to overtake us. In these discouraged, disheartened, and darkened moments, let the vastness of God, His limitless strength, and His immeasurable might flow over you like soothing balm. For when we can find rest in the vastness, strength, and might of God, Himself, then we find true rest, indeed. Who else is big enough, strong enough, or mighty enough to handle and solve our problems? Who else can we trust our deepest pain or loss? Who else has the power to do anything, whenever, and however He wishes? No one, no one – for there is nothing our God cannot do. A Parent’s PrayerOh God, help me to trust You with all my problems, burdens, and cares. Remind me this day of Your vastness, Your strength, and Your might for my heart is downcast. Lift me up from the pit and set my feet firmly upon Your Rock. For You are Hope to the hopeless, rest for the weary, and You are strength to the weak. Speak to me, oh God, and remind me of Your promises this day.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024