“But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers be loved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth." (II Thessalonians 2:13, ESV) A Prayer Over Our ChildrenHelp my little one be a lover and believer of the Truth so that she might be saved. Let not her be deceived by the man of lawlessness nor Satan’s counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders. Choose her, oh Lord, as Your first fruit and save her through Your sanctifying work of Your Holy Spirit. Call her to Your gospel so that she may share in Your glory. Help her stand firm and hold to Your Truth. Bless her with eternal encouragement and good hope as You uplift her heart and strengthen her in every good deed and work. ... Part 1It was only 9:30 in the morning, but I sagged on the bottom step of my staircase, feeling like I just ran a marathon. The front door I walked through moments before, still stood open in wide eyed wonder as I stared blankly through what seemed like invisible walls. Still sporting my jacket and hair frizzy with static electricity, my fingers twisted and turned in my lap as I vacillated over the morning events. With Sweet girl still evidencing a slight cold, but much improved, I fully anticipated a return to the standard schedule of school and the morning free for Mommy. Her school bag already packed, clothing chosen the night before, and breakfast already prepped and virtually ready to consume, I was physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to send Sweet pea back to school and claim my day! But as we, parents all know and have experienced, just when we anticipate normal operating procedures, Murphy’s law dictates otherwise. It started off with Sweet girl doubling over in an intense coughing fit that left her in tears and crying of chest pain. Remembering that chest rattle from days before and mindful of her scratchy throat, I called the pediatrician just to review symptomology and confirm potential wellness status. However, instead of reassurances, the woman on the other end of the line firmly commanded me, “Bring her into the office right away.“ And of course, as transportation is never simple for me as I do not drive due to my vision impairment, a flurry of phone calls needed to be made to orchestrate these new proceedings. All the while, Little girl, who is now wise of the change of events, has now suddenly earned her M.D. and is wailing at the top of her lungs, “it’s a normal cough, Mommy! It's normal!” Still clothed in her pajamas, bangs a mass of static electricity, food stuffed in her mouth, and Minnie mouse sneakers shoved on unsocked feet, we rushed to be ready for our rides arrival. Here is where I pause to say a deep thank you to a couple in our church who not only help transport Sweet one to preschool, but who also grants gracious flexibility in every planned and unplanned circumstance and who offers sage wisdom, love, and kindness when I need it the most. This precious couple whisked us away to the doctor’s office and helped me navigate the medical maze of hallways. Of course, as soon as we stepped foot in the facility, Sweet girl showed no signs of her earlier distress and praise the Lord, checked out with flying colors. Then, with thumbs up from the doctor, we rush off to preschool with a very tardy Sweet pea, dressed still in her pajamas, sporting no jacket, and with no lozenges for her slightly sore throat. Back at the house, I slumped unmoving on the stairs, doubts assailing me. From an unexpected doctor’s visit, to a tardy school drop off With Sweet girl still in her pajamas and me forgetting both her jacket and lozenges, I felt like the worst Mom Ever What kind of mom are you, forgetting her jacket in the middle of winter? screamed my accusing inner self, completely ignoring the morning’s unusual balmy 70-degree temperatures. What must the school teachers and administrators think of me? Continued the onslaught. I fretted whether to make an additional trip just to drop off her jacket and I chastised myself for forgetting her lozenges. I sat on the carpeted steps worrying and filled with anxiety, unable to decide and getting absolutely nothing done in the process. Even a call to a good friend, although encouraging and uplifting, still left me uncertain and engaging in Mommy shame. As I stared at the open front door, gripped by indecision and berating myself inwardly, a quiet pitter-patter filled the air. Raindrops fell gently at first, then drum rolled to an increasing crescendo. Breathe in, breathe out, whispered the rain, let go of your worry, let go of your doubts. the droplets tapped a merry rhythm on the roof and I paused to hear the soft murmurings that breathed across my spirit. Be washed clean by my waterfall of peace and dance with joy in the rivers of my love, called the still voice, be still and know that I am God. Rain poured from the heavens soaking the muted browns of the soil. A gentle breeze softly blew, swaying slim tree branches and rustling their leaves. I closed my eyes, breathed deep, and willed my shoulders to relax, letting the rain wash away my doubts like dirty bath water. And then, finally, sweet surrender. Surrender of my doubts, blame, and shame. Surrender of expectations, impressions, and pretenses. Surrender of control, perfection, and imperfection. Surrender to a God who is sovereign, all powerful, more than capable, and all encompassing. Surrender to the One who washes away our sins, fears, anxieties, and worries, replacing them with an incomprehensible peace and love. Surrendering my little girl into the strong arms of our Lord, who protects, shelters, and provides for all His children. I sat on those stairs just listening. Listening to the rain drops with their frenetic patterns and listening to the quiet assurances floating across my heart. And just as quickly as the rain shower appeared, it disappeared with sudden abruptness, leaving behind pools of healing rain. No longer crippled by worry, I watched through the open front door as the sun poked it’s head out from behind the clouds. For in this moment of time, all was well with me and all with me was well. Dear friends, I wish I could say that this divine moment of peace and harmony characterized the rest of my day. But we, parents, know all too well the roller coaster ride of parenting and its dramatic ups and downs, for unfortunately, my preschooler would soon engage in a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde impression that would leave me in tears and crying out to the Lord God. Join me in Part II to see how the day continues to unfold and witness God’s transforming love in the heart of a little girl and her Mommy. A Parents' PrayerDear Lord, forgive me for not trusting You. Help me to surrender all fears, doubts, worries, and anxieties to You. Wash me clean and send Your healing rain to cleanse the soil of my heart. Help me, Lord God, to surrender my thoughts, my trust, my actions, control, and love to You this day.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024