“. . . and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” II Timothy 3:15 NIV A Prayer for Our ChildrenOh Lord, please fill my daughter with Your ways, teachings, and purpose. Bless her with faith, patience, love, and perseverance. Give her strength to endure persecution and suffering. Be her Deliverer, oh God. Convince her oh Lord of Your Truth so that she may continue in what she has learned and to grow in wisdom and righteousness. Even now, hide in her heart Your holy scriptures and use them to make her wise for salvation through faith in You. Use Your Scriptures, oh Lord, to teach, rebuke, correct, and train her up in righteousness. So that she may be equipped to do every good work. ... It was turning out to be one of those days. Waking up at the ungodly hour of 4:30 in the morning left me mentally, physically, and emotionally drained by 1:30 in the afternoon. After a full morning of writing and creativity, my brain sputtered and coughed, ready for a well-earned nap. However, as parents, naps do not come easily as our little one’s motor on like the Energizer bunny. This afternoon was no exception. Sweet one was relegated to her room for Book time and Quiet Time, a time where she enjoys more restful activities while it also gives Mommy much needed alone time and space. However, today, rather then happy little songs or the chatter of play, Little one whined, incessantly insisted, and argued, causing what felt like a meteor explosion in my brain. Tamping down my irritation and impatience, I flew up the stairs one final time and threw open Little girl’s bedroom door. Keeping the flames of fire barely in check, I made my requests known and promptly shut her door. Yet, the whisper of heaven called to my spirit and spoke to my heart before I could take a step. Your attitude was not right, and you need to fix it. So, after opening the door, yet again, I worked hard to change my heart attitude and humbly made right what I had done wrong. All this to say, that even after this bought of conscience, I struggled through the remaining afternoon. My patience hung in threads and my attitude was as personable as cardboard. I thanked the Lord for Little one’s favorite DVD, which I inserted with lightening speed once Quiet Time expired. But, selfishness still warred to take center stage. Even as the DVD ended, I was fully aware of my shortcomings and irritation, yet, I felt helpless to change. All I could do was paste a smile on my face and fake false enthusiasm for the next activity of choice. But in this moment, when the credits are starting to roll on the TV screen and the off button is about to be pressed, I was faced with a conscious decision. Do I leave Sweet pea to her own demises letting her entertain herself until Daddy gets home? Or, do I do the right thing, and give her the time and attention that I know she needs right now and just do it, even though I really don’t possess the energy for it. Do I assert my parental authority through involvement or let her add another autonomous chip to her shoulder by letting her run free the rest of the afternoon? “Let’s play dress up,” bossed my little girl, “Mommy, let’s go upstairs and play dress up.” Sitting in the warm sunshine with the rays beating welcome waves on my back and my keyboard at my fingertips, I waivered, myself even wondering what direction I would choose. Yet, in our times of need, God gives us the strength to the right thing, to be obedient even when we are tempted to do what is wrong. Battle waged war within me for what felt like minutes, yet after two heartbeats, God gave me the strength to stand on solid ground, my legs albeit shaky and wanting to collapse. I am sure that right here and now, many a parent will attest that it is not easy to do the right thing and that even when we choose wisely, our legs threaten to fall and divert us from the path of righteousness. I sat there with remote in hand. But in that moment of vying indecision, I mentally chose what I new was right but with which my emotions screamed otherwise. “We’re going to play with Play-Dough, Sweet pea,” I enthused with false brightness, “and we’ll use cookie cutters to make shapes in the dough rather then play dress up.” Playing dress up would have been fun, however, what was at stake in this interchange was not whether harmless fun could be attained but rather the subtle reminder to my wise-in-her-eyes daughter, that it is Mommy who is obeyed and not her. “Okay, Mommy,” agreed Sweet one. She hopped off the couch and ran to fetch the Play-Dough. Iv dragged myself off the warm couch and pushed away the object of my attention to move like molasses and help set up. I confess to you parents, that my heart attitude did not change as we simultaneously worked with the soft clay, but at least my body was present, and my mouth was engaging in conversation. I was only going through the motions, but at least I was as present as I could muster. My spirit complained with each piece of clay I rolled, and I couldn’t wait to be done. I just wanted to put my time in and get the return of added free time for myself. But during my inner groanings and complaining, an everyday miracle slowly unfolded with beautiful brilliance. The play-do playtime slowly transformed from dutiful service to fun and laughter. Before I knew it, Sweet one’s play-do ice cream was the best I ever tasted, and would she please feed it to me with a spoon? Let’s not forget to wipe my mouth clean of the pretend drip page and decide to frequent her establishment once again for more of that delicious treat! God in His infinite kindness and mercy, turned my empty hollow actions into spirit and emotional filled vessels for life and love. By the time my tired husband walked through the door, bubbly laughter and enthusiastic play greeted his ears. For him, the giggling fun was the most beautiful of gifts after a long, exhausting day at work. God honored my obedience to do the right thing, the best thing, for Little girl rather then take the easy way out. He blessed my time with Sweet pea and changed my heart attitude. He filled our hearts with joy and multiplied His blessings through it’s infectious nature upon my husband. When we obey, God blesses not only our steps, but fills our lives with an overflow that floods outwards and touches the lives of those who surround us. It is in this way that He multiplies His blessings tenfold as His joy, love and peace spread like wild fire and infect the lives of those whom we journey beside. Sweet one, Daddy, and I sat down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. A limp bowl of chili perked up by lots of sour cream and cheddar cheese accompanied by my cornbread which refused to rise, greeted our stomachs in unexcited fashion. But, with the laughter and teasing that pervaded the room, the outside observer would have thought my sad chili was spectacular. The radio played loudly in the background, surfacing now and then between our chatter and giggles. Sweet one paused a moment to listen, then her eyes opened wide. “Ever be on my lips!” she exclaimed with a wide smile, Sweet one who sat between me and Daddy, grabbed Daddy’s hand with her left and reached out for my hand with her right. “Ever be,” she repeated, beaming at us. Then she started to sing, “Your praise will, ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips,” she sang along with the radio. “Your praise, will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips,” simultaneously chimed my voice and Daddy’s with Sweet one. There we all sat, joined together by our hands, praising together with our lips and our hearts, and joining together in the spirit, love, and worship of God. Joyful love reverberated and resonated throughout the room and within our hearts. The richness of God’s blessing experienced through our humble steps of faithful obedience. Trusting that God can transform any situation or heart, if only we step out in faith and bend in humble acquiescence to His perfect ways. For His ways are higher then our own, He knows what is best, and He works all things for His good. Friends, parenting is arduous work – it is not an easy road to travel. It requires much time, demands much effort, and threatens to overwhelm us with its responsibility. But, just as planting and tending a garden is labor intensive with it’s care, upkeep, and maintenance, so is parenting as we vigilantly yank unwanted weeds, pour lifegiving streams of water, lovingly till the soil of young hearts, and erect safeguards and boundaries. To yield a bountiful, healthy harvest, one cannot sit on their laurels and expect the garden to tend to itself. We must rise, act, and work the soil that lays before us. We need to press on and strain towards what is best, right, and holy for our children and not settle with what is convenient, what is easiest, or even what is benign. And yes, we all make mistakes, we all mess up for we all fall short of the glory of God. But, through God’s grace, we can allow our mistakes to refine us and not define us. So, press on fellow parents, and reach for the prize we gain in training our children up in the Lord. A Parent’s PrayerLord, help me strain towards Your best for myself, my children, and my family. Keep me from settling for the road most traveled but instead choose the path of righteousness and holiness. Pour into me Your strength, Your enduring spirit, and Your heart of intentionality and purpose. Help me to fulfill this most worthy call of parenting.
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AuthorMarried to my best friend for over 20 years, my husband and I are the proud (and often exhausted!) parents of a vivacious kindergatener. As a vision-impaired mom, prayer and trust in the Lord play a vital and moment-to-moment role in my life. Read more ... Follow me:
June 2024